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short biography of malcolm x. He is a politician. he was one of most influential African American in the U.S. Another man who was popular in the U.S. is Muhammad Ali. He became the most Afro politician who had strong …

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Exactly, Specifically, Precisely How Do You Expect Me to Work and Get Those Kids to Do Anything?

By Thomas Liotta

Favorable Parenting Solutions for Getting Successful Outcomes with Household Duties with Your Kid, Tweens or Teens!

Specifically how happy would you be to hear the answer for getting jobs done in your home by your kid or teenager by asking them only one time? I know, it may be difficult to believe, but there actually is a truly real favorable parenting means to this nationwide, and from what I am enduring in Mexico, this worldwide issue of lazy, ungrateful and unproductive children and teenagers who ultimately become ineffective future leaders.

As every generation becomes hugely familiar with their originality, relatively at younger and younger ages now than ever previously, it is becoming increasingly necessary to notice and to begin to understand how important it is to actually observe specifically what the most important task on the planet is, being good parents.

Understanding and knowing your role as real parents is necessary to getting positive outcomes with your kids. You have a task to do and your kids are depending on you to step up and take your parental job seriously. When your child states a grievance it means one of two things. 1. They do not understand how to do the thing. 2. They do not wish to do it.

One of the items on your job description as a good parent is to see to it your kid knows the best ways to do the chores you require them to do when it pertains to completing tasks in the household. Numerous well-meaning parents make the error of thinking that their kid or teen understands specifically what they suggest when they say, “Clean up your own room.” The chore could be so frustrating for your child or young teen that they feel concern, doubt or stress and anxiety, and they do not comprehend the best ways to ask for your assistance, yet. This might consist of easy things like “Put your clothes in the laundry basket.”

Below are simple step-by-step actions for you to take to see to it your child comprehends the best ways to do the life skills you could presume they understand the ways to do now.

1. Make a list of all tasks you expect your child or teenager to accomplish.

2. Go through the list and simplify it by breaking tasks into sections and then break those down even further by breaking each section into three descriptive words: Bedroom – floor, bed, closet, toy box and dresser. Description used is bed – blankets flat, blankets even to the floor and pillows stacked neatly.

3. Repeat this for every task on your list.

4. Put the three descriptive words in plain view of their tasks until they have learned to do the task on their own.

5. Show them step-by-step how to accomplish each descriptive word.

6. Put everything back where you found it.

7. Have your child show you how to do what you just showed them to do.

8. Repeat this process until your child can do the task exactly to your standards.

9. Praise, praise, praise!!!

When you make the effort to do these basic steps you will see your child or teen step up their game since it is integral in their nature to opt to please you. They are looking for attention and they will take whatever attention they can get, happy or unfavorable. By following the actions above you will be satisfying a main one of the items on your to-do list as a mom and dad, and your kid, tweens or young teenager will truly get it as to specifically what you indicate when you simply say, “Make sure your space is clean.” Exactly.

The parenting strategies will help you produce a confident, happy and grateful child or teenager in any child. When you learn to lovingly guide your child’s behavior, as opposed to using outdated punishment techniques, that work short-term at best, you will be the hero to your child. Make sure to get our FREE gift to you. The first 2,000 will get it. Act now!

How Do I Make My Kid Go To School?

By Thomas Liotta and Bonnie Liotta

3 Parenting Ways to Help Guide Your Kid or Teenager to Go to School!

Every good mom and dad would choose to educate their kid, tweens and young teens well. Some parents choose public school, where the government selects what to teach your kid or teenager, and some decide to home school. Regardless, it is very important to ensure your child or teenager gets well educated. Why is it crucial for them to go to school? Why is it important to you for your child or teenager to go to school?

As a mother, I think, we send our kids to school so they might have the very best chance to be successful in life: We want the best for them; we want them to be happy; we want them to have real opportunities in life. Some methods that moms and dads are taking today to, essentially, require their kid or young teen go to school are idle but serious threats, dictational punishment, and associational “guilt” parenting designs that are in fact setting the child up for failure now and in their future.

In desiring the very best for their future we tend to say things like “Why don’t you wish to go to school?” or “Do you want to be a dummy for the rest of your life?” It is additionally simple for moms and dads to unknowingly demean the child by belittling what is necessary to them. The kid says, “I do not desire to go to school!” And the parent comes back with, “I do not care what you desire!” The power battle will continue till the kid is a teenager, and then the young teen gets deemed as a person with a poor attitude.

If you are a mom and/or dad using these antique punishment means, you are developing every little thing, good or bad, that your child is producing. From one mother to an other, it’s necessary to read on to figure out exactly what 3 favorable parenting ways my husband Thomas Liotta has taught me so I can share them with you regarding guiding your kid to go to school in a way that empowers them instead of taking their power away from them.

3 Effective Parenting Styles to Help Guide Your Child or Teenager to Go to School

Your kid says, “I do not wish to go to school.”

1. Understand that your child speaks a different language than you do. They do not have the capacity to think abstractly till after the age of 13. “I do not wish to go to school” could suggest a lot of things. A great mom and/or dad will understand the language their kid speaks and will speak in a manner that the kid will understand. Parental responsibility here.

2. Help guide your kid to choose to go to school by asking them good questions. When your child is goofing off instead of preparing for school, instead of dictating, “You have to go to school,” ask the kid a good question: “Little Timmy, what should we be doing now?” He will respond, “Getting prepared for school.” Then you could praise him, “Ah, look how brilliant you are. Exactly what do we have to do to get ready?” “We need to brush our teeth, eat our cereal and toast and get dressed.” “Perfect! Little Timmy, you always understand the right answers. You are so clever, look at you! When you get that finished in the next 10 minutes, we will have time to read that tale you desired to read prior to you go.”

3. Anything that the child says is essential to them must be essential to you. Rather than dismissing exactly what is essential for your kid, always acknowledge them and state, “Yes, I want you to do that, have that or be that, too. You certainly can do that after you go to school!”.

There is constantly a way to answer yes, and to lovingly lead your child or teenager to the conclusion that you prefer. By understanding the different languages, empowering your kid with the proper questions (not abstract ones) and by leading them with love, you will put an end to the parent andchild power battle for life!

Guide them lovingly, with good questions!

Thomas Liotta brings over 15,000 hours of in-the-trenches training with 2,000+ children. He saw a 100% success rate with every child in self-control, responsibility and self-discipline. You can too. Get your FREE gift! The first 2 chapters of our new positive parenting book, A Simple Way to Guide Children and Teenagers to Happiness, Success and Gratitude.

3 Enhancements to Supernanny Jo Frost’s Parenting Solution: Time-outs, Rules and Encouragement

If you have done any parenting style or parenting solution research at all, you will have found Supernanny Jo Frost all over the internet, including YouTube. When I was raising my children Supernanny Jo Frost was my hero and still is today! What if her child rearing philosophy could be enhanced with new, state of the art, positive parenting solutions that would bring even better results with your child or teenager?

In April 2009, Supernanny Jo Frost was working with the DeMello family in and she showed the mom how to stand her ground to show the child who is in charge of the household! That is excellent, and it is essential as a role model’s demonstration, for the many parents out there who believe their sole job as parents is to keep their children happy. This is a huge error!

It is possible that in every episode we, as caring parents, can learn how and why we can perform efficient time-outs, productive taking control of situations, as a loving parent using our voice and our actions, and also how to hold off frustration, which always boils into anger, with our beloved children. Are there ways to empower our kids to enhanced self-images, stronger self-discipline and increased confidence, rather than weakening them by continually punishing them or threatening to punish them? Very definitely, positively, absolutely yes! There are ways to empower your children every single day of their lives and still have them each demonstrate only the excellent, well behaved and cooperative behavior you seek.

Time-outs, denial of privileges, and yelling are all direct punishment in your children’s eyes. Old fashioned, traditional punishment methods and techniques will work with very small children and they will work temporarily, at best, but eventually these methods and techniques will steal the child’s innocence and their self-confidence. I asked my husband Thomas to watch the YouTube video and tell me how Supernanny could create even greater success.

Here are 3 Parenting Style Secrets from Thomas’ helpful hints that he gave me that enhance Supernanny’s outdated punishment techniques.

1. Ask your child questions instead of dictating to them.

When your child is screaming and running with wild abandonment around the house and horseplaying with their brothers or sisters, the majority of the time they are going to get yelled at, then get reprimanded, and then spanked or get told they are have earned a time-out. This tells the child that exercising and using their voices are bad behaviors, and we both know that’s not exactly the message we intended. Both exercising their legs and exercising their voices are good for them. However, what would be a more preferable place for them to practice using both their horseplay and their loud voices?

The next time your child is running around the house, screaming and horseplaying with his sibling, you just capture their attention and ask, “Little Timmy, where is the best place for loud voice and horseplay? Is it inside the house, in the library, or outside in the back yard?” Little Timmy will know the answer and immediately go outside to yell and scream. This way, he is not on a naughty mat, embarrassed; he is encouraged, praised and loved for being who he is. A little boy who likes to yell, run and play.

2. Know the reward that is important to your child.

Add in this crucial factor. Know the reward of what is important to your child or teenager, important to them, not to you. With this essential information, you have just gained the fuel to motivate them into taking the actions of learning life skills. In this episode, our Supernanny Jo Frost takes the family, both children and parents, to a library. The concerned parents are afraid that their wild children will act out. This will cause the parents themselves embarrassment. Jo explains to take a few moments to cover all of the rules before arriving at the library. Good job, Supernanny!

My husband calls this strategy of “to know the reward for your child” pre-framing. This is simply focusing on demonstrating positive energy to achieve exactly the same outcome of good self-discipline when you are at the library. You ask your child or teenager, “Little Timmy, what is the most important thing for you to experience today at our library?” Little Timmy will say something like “I’d like to get a book about cowboys, Mom!” “Excellent, Timmy, I would really love for you to get some books about cowboys! What kind of behavior is correct to use the entire time while we are in the library?” Little Timmy will always answer, “Inside behavior, Mom. Quiet voice and my slow walk.” Your child is very wise and very intelligent. Make it his choice to behave. When it’s his choice, he’ll behave in order to receive his reward, his fuel, the book about cowboys from the library.

3. Parents make decisions and children make choices.

Children do not yet possess the ability to make decisions. They cannot think abstractly yet. You cannot ask your children, “What do you want for dinner?” if you want them to eat anything resembling even remotely nutritious meals. They will always default to pizza, McDonalds or some favorite fast food. However, they will always pick something good for them if you make the decisions beforehand and then offer them their three parent-approved choices.

Say you want little Timmy to eat vegetables at supper. Supernanny suggests that they just take little bites while you encourage them to give it a shot. This is still your decision and you are still dictating what is important to you, that you want them to eat vegetables. So, make a parent approved decision about what is important to you and ask them, “When we have dinner tonight, would you like to have peas, corn or carrots?” He will answer, “Ummm…how about carrots?” Wow! He just asked for carrots. I promise little Timmy will eat all of the vegetables on his plate tonight!

Why Do Seemingly Nice Teenagers Seem to Feel This Burning Need to Lie to Their Parents?

Why Do Teenagers Lie to Moms or Dads?

Parenting can be aggravating, particularly when all moms and dads choose for their kid or young teen is joy and success. Contrary to how it seems, it is essential to comprehend that your kid or tween does not get up in the morning and ask, “How can I upset my parents today?” In fact, they want acceptance for who they are, and, for their mom or dad, this could be difficult. Somehow, we have assumptions of who we think our children ought to be, and as a young teen particularly, they are exploring their freedom and there are absolutely things they do never prefer you to learn about! Gosh, don’t you remember what it was like to be a young teen?

Teenagers feel fear that if they do tell you the honest truth, you will be mad at them or not like them any longer. Is there a perk for your teen if they do share with you the truth? Or do you simply desire the honest truth so you can be involved and can manage what they do?

After a lifetime of the fear based punishment of threats, any kind of screaming, time-outs or spankings will trigger exactly that in your kid, tween or teenager, fear. Yelling at or engaging in a power struggle with your young teen will cause confusion because they do not even know exactly what you are saying to them most of the time. I really mean this literally; they do not comprehend what you are stating, they do not comprehend the meaning of the words, and they have no idea the best ways to ask you for aid. So, in the end, your teen winds up just feeling silly and they clam up.

A great option to surpass this communication issue with your teen, and that is all this is, a simple communication problem, is to accept them for who they are as an individual and begin to make use of a completely different language with them. First off, never ever again chastise your teen or make them feel bad about what they wear, exactly how they do their hair, and what they decide to do in their downtime.

Forget outdated punishment methods that work, at best, for a really brief period of time. Start to lovingly guide their behavior. You do this by asking good questions instead of dictating to them. Nobody appreciates being informed exactly what to do … even here today, I am simply suggesting that you do this. I am not telling you what to do! I am informingyou what I have seen work.

Ask them questions like “When you go out tonight, will you be home at 10:30, 11:00 or by 12:00?” Or “What is it you like the best about hanging out with Timmy?” When you ask them point blank questions that are non-intrusive and non-judgmental, your teen will open up to you and just tell you the honest truth. When they are anticipated to do their chores and/or homework before they go out, question and quantify to see to it they comprehend exactly what you simply stated.

You will ask, “Ben, I would love for you to go and have a good time at your concert tonight. What is it you said you would do before you go out?” And your teenager will answer you, “I’m going to complete my laundry, put it all away, and sweep out the garage.” When this is engaged in every day, every single day, you will develop a beautiful relationship and true friendship with your teen.

One full of respect.

How Did I Survive Little Screaming Meanies? Why Did I Merely Endure It when They Were Crazy Kids?

By Thomas Liotta and Bonnie Liotta

Powerful Positive Parenting Ideas Changed Life as We Know It for My Children and My Teenagers And Me too!

When I became a single mom, it was the finest feeling in the world. I believe you don’t actually know what love is till you hold your very own kid in your arms. I remember staying awake all night looking at him. I would anticipate when he would wake up so I could look at him even more deeply and build a bond with him. I was the one who was going to protect him, love him and be there for him.

I was going to be a fantastic mother. My kids were going to be different due to the fact that I would be so loving, understanding and cool. I recall reading a publication called Kids are Worth it, written by Barbara Coloroso. She spoke about jellyfish parenting strategies, brick wall parenting techniques and backbone parenting solutions. I picked to deal with the backbone parenting methods. This would be a parent who would adhere to her parenting weapons with time-outs and discipline methods, however likewise have the ability to flex with understanding. I additionally saw Supernanny Jo Frost a whole lot. I adored how she had the ability to create order in chaotic houses.

As my son quickly grew older he was depressed, mad and tired. He would spit things at me like “I wish to just kill myself.” This was heartbreaking to me and I recall constantly thinking that it was my role as a parent to make my kids happy. Time-outs and punishment appeared to produce an increasing number of adverse sensations in between my son and me. It was always such a headache to get him to do anything that I ended up doing every little thing myself. After having 3 additional children and experiencing the same outcome with all four kids, with similar variations, I found myself a solitary mom in a state of hopelessness.

I fulfilled a gentleman in January of 2011 by the name of Thomas Liotta. We were both working with with personal development, and we determined that we were going to collaborate to help people reach success in their lives. I was a success coach and motivational speaker for adults, however my genuine passion was to help the sweet little children recognize exactly how great they are so they might have self-esteem, happiness and success in their lives.

When Thomas started to interact with my children I saw that he made use of a favorable parenting way each time, with wonderful outcomes. The kids seemed happier when he was around and they always acted splendidly, but when he would leave I was back to purposeless, lazy and ungrateful kids. These methods were so distinct I started to search for them online. I could not find these favorable parenting methods anywhere.

I learnt that Thomas had owned a Martial Arts School in Seattle, WA, where he wound up with thousands of children enrolling and he was required to deal with 50 – 100 plus kids at a time. He established an approach for kid rearing that integrates leading habits with all favorable parenting and does not use punishment methods at all. This program was so effective it was nominated and sworn in into the US Martial Arts Hall of Fame for being the most creative After School Program for kids and teenagers.

I started to use these methodswith my kids and saw unbelievable positive results. Three out of four of my children had actually been labeled with ADD and my youngest son’s behavior was so bad that when he had a mood tantrum in school last year they had to fully evacuate the classroom! That is when I started to phone Thomas daily to ask him recommendations on the best ways to take care of my kids. He constantly had an easy to use strategy for every situation which enabled me to constantly say yes to my kids while getting much better outcomes in their actions, production and gratitude. I also saw a huge change in overall confidence, joy and real delight. Today my kids are all mastering their classes, they are not on any kind of prescribed medicine, and they now recognize that if they pick to develop something in their life, they are in control of making things take place. Now I am experiencing more peace and fun in parenting.

After seeing the impressive positive shift in all locations of my family’s lives because of the positive parenting solutions found in the positive parenting way of life, I altered the actual direction of my life from helping adults who have self-limiting beliefs to helping adults raise their children with positive parenting options. This favorable parenting approach allows moms and dads to raise kids who show self-control, duty and self-discipline. This favorable parenting viewpoint permits the children to be independent, pleased and positive.

After having made this change, I cannot see why anyone would go back! Life gets better by the day! What a joy it is to live with happy kids!

Thomas Liotta brings over 15,000 hours of in-the-trenches training, with more than 2,000 children, using his award winning philosophy with 100% positive results. You have to see it to believe it!!! Get your FREE gift, the first 2 chapters of our new book, A simple Way to Guide Children and Teenagers to Happiness, Success and Gratitude.

We Assumed Parenting Would Be More Fun! What Are We Supposed To Do Now With Unproductive Teenagers?

By Thomas Liotta and Bonnie Liotta

Parenting is supposed to be fun, isn’t it? It seems like every second day I hear from one of my friends about children having temper tantrums in Walmart, teenagers having babies, or children and teenagers running away, again. Our very fast paced world, with fast food and fast cars, has evolved into a fast parenting style. Our fast acting world of technology, communications and noncommunication has helped us to turn our children and teenagers into lazy, unproductive, spoiled brats! I know this is unintentional but it is happening.

Parenting has evolved in such a way that we believe our two year olds are supposed to have screaming fits in Walmart; they are not! We believe it is normal for our tweens and teenagers to rebel; it is not! It is extremely disturbing to me that we believe it is normal to see our children and teenagers on prescription medicines for different behavior problems! This is not normal!!!

In the days where traditional punishment like spankings are controversial and have been literally outlawed in 29 countries around the globe, like Spain and Austria, and time-outs only work up to the age of nine, what is the correct answer as to how to discipline or punish our children and teenagers in today’s world? With the clear lack of an answer to this question it is blankly obvious that many well-meaning parents have given up. They have accepted the poor behavior simply because they do not know what to do.

Still, there are some important parenting tools you can use to create amazing results with your child or teenager, and when you do, you will turn the undesirable progress around! These are parenting tools that work!

Do you Know Your Role as a Parent? Have you ever thought about this question? What is your role, your job description, your duties, as a parent? My husband Thomas and I have personally posed this question to over 300 parents and the responding answer is generally the same. First, there is a deer in the headlights look and then you usually hear, “Uhhhh…to make my child or teenager happy?” “Support them and give them a good life?” All of those things are wonderful and I believe that all parents would choose the same outcome for their child or teenager.

It is most often the same parent who gives these answers who is yelling at their child or teenager out of frustration. It is most often this parent who is the most hurt and upset that their child or teenager does not respect her as a mother or him as a father. Your child or teenager is waiting for you to take on and Know Your Role as a Parent! Take control as a parent by telling them exactly what you expect from them.

Take the time to write down: 1. What you would love for them to learn by the time they are 18; 2. Exactly what your expectations are for them right now; 3. The answer to what is important to your child or teenager. (You get this by asking them what is important to them.) Then and only then, you will know what is improtant to both them and you. Now, you know what your role consist of here. It is important to Know Your Role as a Parent. Write it up now.

The Positive Parenting help offered here will help you produce a confident, happy and grateful child or teenager in any child. When you learn to lovingly guide your child’s behavior, as opposed to using outdated punishment techniques that work short-term at best, you will always be the hero to your child. Ensure you get your Creating Champions for Life FREE gift. Only for the first 2,000. Act now.

8 Positive Parenting Strategies and Enhanced Skills to Guide Your Toddler to End Temper Tantrums

When Thomas, who is now my husband, asked me, “Bonnie, what is your role as a parent?” I began to browse for the right response. I ended up answering, “To make my kids happy. To protect them and provide for them.” And yes, most of us want these things for our children, nonetheless, the parenting abilities necessary to achieve this are unknowingly missing out on from numerous parenting techniques today, and although I know you are seeking a way to repair your toddler or child’s temper outburst, it is the parenting design that needs a tweak.

I have heard that parenting is the hardest task in the world! There have actually been days with my children that I have actually felt exactly that! An instance of that day would be a 20 minute screaming mood tantrum from my kid! I thought that I was the best mother on the planet. I always made sure to hang around with them, to provide them with the toys they wanted, and to take them on family trips. I worked extremely tough as a single mother to provide a seven bed room house, a sport utility vehicle, and even put a trampoline and a pool in the back lawn.

At the end of the day, I was worn out and they were unappreciative, depressed and undeserving. It is very difficult and heart breaking for a parent when they do all they can do for their children when it is and never ever will suffice. I am incredibly grateful to have actually discovered such a wonderful favorable spouse who has such amazing positive parenting solutions! Thomas has helped me so much! So I’d like to share his positive parenting solutions with you here. Read on to find out what Thomas has to share for effective parenting techniques that work to produce delighted, effective and grateful toddlers and children, and to put an end to temper tantrums.

Positive Parenting Strategies

1. Take ownership of your role as a parent. Your function as a mom or dad is not to make your toddler or child delighted, buy them things, and shield them from life. It is your role to educate your kid the abilities that will help them to produce success in their life now and in their future.

2. Make a daily schedule of your expectations. Break this list into segments in writing and share it with the household in terms of what you would like and exactly what you would love to see occur.

3. Make a list of every little thing that isimportant for your child to find out by the time they are 18. This list can consist of any behavior, skill or lesson that isimportant to you for your kid to learn. This will be your parental job description.

4. Make an additional list of everything that isimportant to your child, not to you, to your child. This list is their fuel to learn life skills and your ammo to motivate your kid to action. Do not simply buy them everything on their list!

5. Decide at which age to start teaching your child the best ways to earn their benefits by discovering particular life skills. This should begin as early as possible. Even children discover how to control good parents and, yes, going to sleep is a life skill. Hint, hint.

6. Empower your child by finding a way to always say yes to them. The honest truth is they can make their fuel by revealing specific habits and by doing particular duties or activities. The secret right here is to always validate your toddler or child’s needs, and to educate them that there is a method to have everything they want, and then to instruct them the way.

7. Teach them precisely how to do everything on the list of life skills you are deciding to instruct them at their level. You do the skill with them viewing, then you put everything back, finally you view as your young child does what you just now taught them to do. Then, praise, praise and praise them some more. Repeat this process until your kid does the task precisely to your requirements. For a kid, it would be making a biscuit for being silent in the supermarket or getting to watch a flick after every toy is cleaned up and put away.

8. Understand that when your child complains or throws a temper tantrum, they either do not understand the way to get exactly what they desire, how to do exactly what you asked them to do or the way to complete a certain job, or they just don’t want to do it. When they don’t want to, their motivation is missing here. Refer back to # 3 and # 6.

As you review this short article and see the detailed actions a parent must take in order to begin to meet their function as an effective parent, you see that it makes good sense, doesn’t it? Your kid ought to have the ability to show who they are with self-control, obligation and self-discipline and they ought to be shown how they can earn things in this world. When you alter your strategy as a parent, you will alter the result for your toddler or child. It is that easy!

I’m Certain My Toddler Wants to Go to War with Me at Bedtime Since He Does It Every Night

Favorable Parenting Methods for a Peaceful Easy Bed time with Your Young Kids or Child!

It is typical for toddlers, kids, tweens and teenagers to be manipulative when it is time do something they absolutely must do but don’t want to. When it involves bedtime we have actually seen many scary videos on YouTube about bedtime battles with little toddlers and children. It is easy to see that if the moms and dads took a different, new and loving strategy in leading their kids’s behavior verses typical out-of-date punishment techniques, they would have the ability to create the success at bedtime that all moms and dads are wanting to produce.

Below Are 3 Positive Parenting Strategies for a Peaceful Bedtime with Your Toddler or Young Child.

1. Instruct your kid the life skill of going to bed.

This consists of setting out step-by-step procedure of bed time. For instance, 1. Take a bath. 2. Put pjs on. 3. Read part of a story. 4. Crawl into bed. If your kids share a bedroom, or a bed, take the time to teach them an appropriate process for getting into the bed.

2. Ask your child pre-framing questions leading up to bedtime.

If something goes wrong, do not get caught up in bad habits, stay concentrated on the job at hand by asking great questions. “Little Timmy, what should you be doing right now?” Or “Do you want to go to bed now or in 5 more minutes from now?”

3. Know the reward.

Know exactly what is necessary to your child and you will constantly have fuel to obtain their complete cooperation. Way too many times we inform our kids, “It’s bedtime because I stated so.” When you concentrate on something that is necessary to the child, like their time at the park the next day, the kid feels verified and adored: “Little Timmy, when you go to bed on time you make more time at the park tomorrow.”

And it’s always done lovingly, with a focus on saying the word yes.